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Modbus Client

The modbus-master plugin acts as a Modbus client that can read and write Modbus coils, discrete inputs, input registers and holding registers.

The Adapter automatically determines what to poll based on the types and indices referenced in detailed mapping.

General configuration

  • session: name used in the logs
  • log-level: protocol log level to print to the logs
  • remote-ip: IP of the device to connect to
  • port: port of the device to connect to (usually 502)
  • unit-identifier: Modbus unit identifier of the device to connect to
  • response_timeout_ms: timeout value in milliseconds for responses
  • always-write-multiple-registers: when set to true, even if only a single register must be written, a "Write Multiple Registers" (0x10) is used.
  • auto_polling: When deciding what polling requests are needed to get all the necessary values, this parameter configures the number of unnecessary values you are willing to accept for the benefit of fewer Modbus requests. A value of 0 means absolutely no unnecessary registers will be polled.
    • auto_polling.max_bit_gaps: maximum number of unnecessary bits that can be read when polling for coils and discrete inputs.
    • auto_polling.max_register_gaps: maximum number of unnecessary registers that can be read when polling for holding and input registers.


Some devices require a periodic heartbeat message to remain in remote management mode. Typically, a specific register must be read then some bits inverted and written back. The Adapter can handle this functionality with the heartbeats configuration parameter. A list of indices to perform the heartbeat on is specified, as well as the period and the mask to use for inverting the bits. Here is an example for a device with a single heartbeat register:

- index: 7 # Read the specified register, invert the masked bits, and write it back
period_ms: 1000 # Heartbeat period in milliseconds
mask: 0x1 # Mask specifying the bits to invert

Non-control Profiles

The non-control profiles can map Modbus coils, input, and holding registers to an OpenFMB message values.


  • poll_period_ms: specify the number of milliseconds between two polls


Boolean values can be retrieved from coils and discrete inputs. Optionally, the value can be inverted.

Boolean values may also be retrieved from holding registers and input registers. A mask is applied to the register value. If the value is not equal to 0, the Boolean is true. Otherwise it's false. It is possible to add an invert: true parameter. In that case, if the masked value is different than 0, the Boolean is false. Otherwise it's true.

bool-field-type: mapped
source-type: holding_register # {none, coil, discrete_input, holding_register, input_register}
index: 10
invert: false # invert the boolean value.
bool-field-type: mapped
source-type: discrete_input # {none, coil, discrete_input, holding_register, input_register}
index: 11
invert: true # invert the boolean value.
bool-field-type: mapped
source-type: holding_register # {none, coil, discrete_input, holding_register, input_register}
index: 13
mask: 0x0001 # mask the register. true if masked value != 0
invert: false # invert the boolean value.
bool-field-type: mapped
source-type: input_register # {none, coil, discrete_input, holding_register, input_register}
index: 14
mask: 0x0004 # mask the register. true if masked value != 0
invert: true # invert the boolean value.

Int32, Int64 and Float

Int32, Int64 and Float values can be retrieved from holding registers and input registers. The source-type field determines what type of registers must be read.

There are multiple mapping types that can be used to derive the value. All of the mapping types can be scaled.

All 16-bit mapping types require a single holding register, so a single index value is needed. All 32-bit mapping types require two indices:

  • The lower_index identifies the register containing the two least significant bytes (LSBs).
  • The upper_index identifies the register containing the two most significant bytes (MSBs).

For example, if the 32-bit value that needs to be written is 0xAABBCCDD and you set the lower_index to 10 and upper_index to 11, then 0xCCDD would be written to register 10 and 0xAABB would be written to register 11. If lower_index is 11 and upper_index is 10, then 0xAABB would be written to register 10 and 0xCCDD would be written to register 11. Mapping types that start with an "s" are signed (they are two's complement integers). Mapping types that start with a "u" are unsigned. The "with_modulus" mappings take an extra modulus parameter and allow for scaling the MSB register using a value other than 65536. Most users will never use this as it was added to accommodate a peculiar device.

The "float" type reads an IEEE 754 floating-point value from two registers.

float-field-type: mapped
source-type: holding_register # {none, holding_register, input_register}
register-mapping: sint32 # {sint16, uint16, sint32, uint32, sint32_with_modulus, uint32_with_modulus, float32}
index: 10
scale: 1
float-field-type: mapped
source-type: input_register # {none, holding_register, input_register}
register-mapping: uint16 # {sint16, uint16, sint32, uint32, sint32_with_modulus, uint32_with_modulus, float32}
index: 10
scale: 1
float-field-type: mapped
source-type: holding_register # {none, holding_register, input_register}
register-mapping: sint32 # {sint16, uint16, sint32, uint32, sint32_with_modulus, uint32_with_modulus, float32}
lower_index: 0
upper_index: 1
scale: 1
float-field-type: mapped
source-type: input_register # {none, holding_register, input_register}
register-mapping: uint32 # {sint16, uint16, sint32, uint32, sint32_with_modulus, uint32_with_modulus, float32}
lower_index: 0
upper_index: 1
scale: 1
float-field-type: mapped
source-type: holding_register # {none, holding_register, input_register}
register-mapping: sint32_with_modulus # {sint16, uint16, sint32, uint32, sint32_with_modulus, uint32_with_modulus, float32}
lower_index: 0
upper_index: 1
modulus: 10000
scale: 1
float-field-type: mapped
source-type: input_register # {none, holding_register, input_register}
register-mapping: uint32_with_modulus # {sint16, uint16, sint32, uint32, sint32_with_modulus, uint32_with_modulus, float32}
lower_index: 0
upper_index: 1
modulus: 10000
scale: 1
float-field-type: mapped
source-type: holding_register # {none, holding_register, input_register}
register-mapping: float32 # {sint16, uint16, sint32, uint32, sint32_with_modulus, uint32_with_modulus, float32}
lower_index: 0
upper_index: 1
scale: 1


Enums can be retrieved from one or more registers.

When retrieved from a single register, a mask is applied and each enum value is associated with a register value.

When multiple registers are used, a list of indices and bit position are specified. The Adapter will poll the appropriate register and update a virtual value with each specified bit. Then, a list of pattern are specified where each bit pattern is associated with an enum value.

Enums can also be mapped from coils and discrete inputs. An enum value is associated when the bit is true, and another value is associated when the bit is false.

enum-field-type: mapped
source-type: coil # {none, coil, discrete_input, holding_register, input_register}
enum-mapping-type: single_bit # {none, single_bit, single_register, multiple_register}
index: 10
when-true: DynamicTestKind_operating
when-false: DynamicTestKind_none
enum-field-type: mapped
source-type: holding_register # {none, coil, discrete_input, holding_register, input_register}
enum-mapping-type: single_register # {none, single_bit, single_register, multiple_register}
index: 10
mask: 0x0003 # mask the register. map masked values to enum values
- name: DynamicTestKind_none
value: 0
- name: DynamicTestKind_testing
value: 1
- name: DynamicTestKind_operating
value: 2
- name: DynamicTestKind_failed
value: 3
enum-field-type: mapped
source-type: input_register # {none, coil, discrete_input, holding_register, input_register}
enum-mapping-type: multiple_register # {none, single_bit, single_register, multiple_register}
- index: 10
bit: 0
- index: 10
bit: 1
- pattern: "0000000000000001"
value: DynamicTestKind_none

Control Profiles

Control profiles can be translated to Modbus write requests.


  • poll_period_ms: specify the number of milliseconds between two polls
  • command-order: ordered list of command-id. The first ID has the highest priority.
  • tolerance-ms: number of milliseconds of tolerance for schedules.


For Boolean fields, a when-true list of actions to perform is specified when the Boolean value is true. Likewise, a when-false list of actions to perform is specified when the boolean value is false.

Each action requires a command-id for prioritization of the commands. The name must fit with one the values in the command-order array.

Multiple output-type are available. The write_single_coil takes an index and a Boolean value and writes it to the coil. The flip_single_coil only takes an index and performs a read followed by a write to flip the coil value.

output-type: write_single_coil  # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
index: 10
value: true
output-type: flip_single_coil  # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
index: 11

The write_single_register_* ones take an index and a value, and write that value to a single holding register. The write_multiple_registers_* takes two indices and a value, and write that value into the two holding registers. lower_index will contain the two LSB and upper_index will contain the two MSB.

output-type: write_single_register_uint16  # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
index: 12
value: 42
output-type: write_single_register_int16  # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
index: 13
value: 76
output-type: write_multiple_registers_uint32  # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
lower_index: 1000
upper_index: 1001
value: 42
output-type: write_multiple_registers_int32  # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
lower_index: 1002
upper_index: 1003
value: 42
output-type: write_multiple_registers_float32  # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
lower_index: 1004
upper_index: 1005
value: 42

The read_and_modify_register output type can be used to do masked operation on the register value. It takes an extra bitwise-operation parameter that describes the operation to perform, as well as a mask or a bit position. Here are all the bitwise-operation supported:

output-type: read_and_modify_register  # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
bitwise-operation: set_bit # {set_bit, clear_bit, clear_masked_bits, set_masked_bits}
index: 10
bit: 0
output-type: read_and_modify_register  # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
bitwise-operation: clear_bit # {set_bit, clear_bit, clear_masked_bits, set_masked_bits}
index: 10
bit: 0
output-type: read_and_modify_register  # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
bitwise-operation: set_masked_bits # {set_bit, clear_bit, clear_masked_bits, set_masked_bits}
index: 10
mask: 0x0F
output-type: read_and_modify_register # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
bitwise-operation: clear_masked_bits # {set_bit, clear_bit, clear_masked_bits, set_masked_bits}
index: 10
mask: 0x0F

Here is an example of a valid configuration:

bool-field-type: mapped
- output-type: write_single_register_uint16 # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
index: 10
value: 42
- output-type: read_and_modify_register # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
bitwise-operation: set_masked_bits # {set_bit, clear_bit, clear_masked_bits, set_masked_bits}
index: 11
mask: 0x0F

Int32, Int64, and Float

Int32, Int64, and Float values can be converted to values written to one or multiple Modbus registers. When writing to multiple registers, lower_index will contain the two LSB, and upper_index will contain the two MSB. Scaling can be applied on all types.

The write_multiple_registers_float32 writes the IEEE 754 floating-point representation of the value to the register.

float-field-type: mapped
output-type: write_single_register_uint16 # {none, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32}
command-id: some-command-id
index: 10
scale: 1
float-field-type: mapped
output-type: write_single_register_int16 # {none, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32}
command-id: some-command-id
index: 10
scale: 1
float-field-type: mapped
output-type: write_multiple_registers_uint32 # {none, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32}
command-id: some-command-id
upper_index: 10
lower_index: 11
scale: 1
float-field-type: mapped
output-type: write_multiple_registers_int32 # {none, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32}
command-id: some-command-id
upper_index: 10
lower_index: 11
scale: 1
float-field-type: mapped
output-type: write_multiple_registers_float32 # {none, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32}
command-id: some-command-id
upper_index: 10
lower_index: 11
scale: 1


For each enum variant, a list of actions are specified. The syntax and usage is identical to Boolean values. Here is an example of a valid configuration:

enum-field-type: mapped
- name: StateKind_off
- output-type: read_and_modify_register # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
bitwise-operation: read_and_modify_register # {set_bit, clear_bit, clear_masked_bits, set_masked_bits}
index: 0
mask: 0x0F
- name: StateKind_on
- output-type: read_and_modify_register # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
bitwise-operation: set_bit # {set_bit, clear_bit, clear_masked_bits, set_masked_bits}
index: 0
bit: 2
- name: StateKind_standby
- output-type: write_multiple_registers_uint32 # {none, write_single_coil, flip_single_coil, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32, read_and_modify_register}
command-id: some-command-id
upper_index: 10
lower_index: 11
value: 42

Schedule Parameters

Each schedule parameter can be mapped to DNP3 Analog Output commands exactly like Int32, Int64 and Float fields. Schedules will be executed as described on Scheduling page.

- scheduleParameter:  # A sequence of schedule parameters w/ enum + value. Each plugin specifies what to do with each enumeration value
- scheduleParameterType: ScheduleParameterKind_none
output-type: write_single_register_int16 # {none, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32}
command-id: some-command-id
index: 10
scale: 1
- scheduleParameterType: ScheduleParameterKind_other
output-type: write_single_register_int16 # {none, write_single_register_uint16, write_single_register_int16, write_multiple_registers_uint32, write_multiple_registers_int32, write_multiple_registers_float32}
command-id: some-command-id
index: 11
scale: 1