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The command-line interface (CLI) to the Adapter provides some helpful commands, including:

  • show all available commands (help)
  • run the Adapter
  • generate a default top-level config file
  • generate a default protocol-specific config file for specified profiles
  • list all the provided protocol plugins


Prints a short description of all the available commands and parameters.

openfmb-adapter -h

or with Docker:

docker run --rm oesinc/openfmb.adapters -h



-h, --help
show this help message
-l, --list
list available plugins
-v, --version
display version information
-c, --config
run with the specified config file
-g, --generate
generate the specified config file
-s, --schema
generate a JSON schema
-p, --plugin
the plugin for which to generate configuration
-f, --profile
profile to generate

Generate top-level configuration

A default top-level configuration may be generated using the -g flag. This file is needed when running the Adapter (see Running the adapter).

openfmb-adapter -g config.yml

or with Docker:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/openfmb oesinc/openfmb.adapters -g /openfmb/config.yml

Generate configuration for a plugin

Some plugins, notably the Adapter-type protocol plugins, need extra configuration in separate files. The output file is specified with the -g argument. The plugin for which the config is generated is specified with the -p argument. The desired profile is specified with the -f argument.

Multiple profiles can be generated for a single configuration file by providing multiple -f parameters:
openfmb-adapter -g dnp3-master.yml -p dnp3-master -f SolarReadingProfile -f SolarStatusProfile

or with Docker:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/openfmb oesinc/openfmb.adapters -g /openfmb/dnp3-master.yml -p dnp3-master -f SolarReadingProfile -f SolarStatusProfile

Generate configuration JSON schemas

Each YAML configuration file has JSON schemas that can be printed to a file to help with writing valid configurations.

To generate the top-level schema, run the following:

openfmb-adapter -s config.json

or with Docker:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/openfmb oesinc/openfmb.adapters -s /openfmb/config.json

To generate the schema for a particular plugin, run the following:

openfmb-adapter -s dnp3-master.json -p dnp3-master

or with Docker:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/openfmb oesinc/openfmb.adapters -s /openfmb/dnp3-master.json -p dnp3-master

The --pretty-print argument can also be used to produce human-readable schema files. Note that these files are particularly large for plugins and pretty-printing should be used only for debugging purposes.

To learn how to leverage these schemas in your editing environment, see the Schemas page.

Running the adapter

The adapter is run using the -c flag. To stop the adapter, hit Ctrl-C on the keyboard.

openfmb-adapter -c [config.yml]

or with Docker:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/openfmb oesinc/openfmb.adapters -c /openfmb/[config.yml]

List plugins

All available plugins compiled in this instance of the adapter can be listed using the -l flag.

openfmb-adapter -l

or with Docker:

docker run --rm oesinc/openfmb.adapters -l


available plugins:

capture - captures published OpenFMB messages to a replayable file format
dds-rti - publish/subscribe to DDS using RTI bindings (requires run-time license)
dnp3-master - maps openFMB to the master side of the DNP3 protocol
dnp3-outstation - maps openFMB to the outstation side of the DNP3 protocol
log - pretty prints profiles to the log
modbus-master - maps OpenFMB to the Modbus protocol
modbus-outstation - maps the Modbus protocol to OpenFMB
mqtt - publish/subscribe to a MQTT broker
nats - publish/subscribe to a NATS server
replay - replays captured OpenFMB messages from a file
timescaledb - saves all the published messages to a TimescaleDB


The git commit date and hash of the code compiled in this instance of the adapter can be listed using the -v flag. The hash can be used on GitHub to retrieve the exact code used, simply go to{HASH}.

openfmb-adapter -v

or with Docker:

docker run --rm oesinc/openfmb.adapters -v


git commmit date: 2019-10-10
git commmit hash: d97428d36b3c311004deac38936573fc67237f0e