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DNP3 Master

The dnp3-master plugin acquires measurement data and sends controls to DNP3 outstations. It maps DNP3 measurement values (binary, analog, etc) to OpenFMB non-control profiles and sends DNP3 commands (e.g. binary/analog output) in response to OpenFMB control profiles.

General Configuration

  • name: name used in the logs to identify the communication session.
  • channel
    • adapter: network adapter to use to establish a TCP connection (typically
    • outstation-ip: IP address of the outstation. Can also be a domain name.
    • port: TCP port on which the outstation is listening.
  • protocol
    • master-address: DNP3 link-layer address of the master (the adapter).
    • outstation-address: DNP3 link-layer address of the outstation (remote device)
    • unsol-class-1: Enable Class 1 unsolicited responses.
    • unsol-class-2: Enable Class 2 unsolicited responses.
    • unsol-class-3: Enable Class 3 unsolicited responses.

Poll configuration

The polls parameter contains a list of polls to be executed by the Adapter. Each poll has a name that might be referenced in the non-control profile mappings. This is particularly useful for event profiles, where you want to publish an event profile only when events are received, not on every message.

There are two types of polls. integrity is a Class 1230, meaning it gets the sequence of events (and empties the event buffers) and all the static (current) values. This should be used for status and reading profiles. An event poll only asks for the sequence of events assigned to a specific class. It should be used for event profiles. In the configuration, it is possible to specify which classes to ask for.

The interval specifies the delay between two polls.

- name: integrity_poll
type: integrity
interval-ms: 5000
- name: event_poll
type: event
interval-ms: 5000
class1: true
class2: true
class3: false

Non-control Profiles

Non-control profiles (reading, status, etc) are mapped from DNP3 measurement points.

A poll-name parameter is required and must point to a valid poll defined in Polls Configuration. An OpenFMB profile is generated on every non-empty response of the poll.


DNP3 binary inputs can be mapped directly to an OpenFMB Boolean value.

bool-field-type: mapped
source-type: binary # {none, binary}
index: 10

Int32 and Int64

DNP3 analog inputs and counters can be mapped to an OpenFMB int32 or an OpenFMB int64. A scaling can be applied to the value.

int32-field-type: mapped
source-type: analog # {none, analog, counter}
index: 10
scale: 1000
int32-field-type: mapped
source-type: counter # {none, analog, counter}
index: 10
scale: 1000


DNP3 analog inputs can be mapped to an OpenFMB float value. A scaling can be applied to the value.

float-field-type: mapped
source-type: analog # {none, analog}
index: 10
scale: 1000


OpenFMB enumerations can be mapped from DNP3 binary, analog, and counter source points.

Binary inputs have an enumeration value specified for 'true' and 'false'. Analog and counter mappings allow for a free form mapping. If no association is found in the mapping list, the field is simply not set.

Since analog inputs might be reported as a floating point value, an epsilon of 0.001 is used for comparison.

enum-field-type: mapped
source-type: binary # {none, binary, analog, counter}
index: 10
when-true: DynamicTestKind_none
when-false: DynamicTestKind_testing
enum-field-type: mapped
source-type: analog # {none, binary, analog, counter}
index: 10
- value: 4
name: DynamicTestKind_none
- value: 24
name: DynamicTestKind_testing
enum-field-type: mapped
source-type: counter # {none, binary, analog, counter}
index: 10
- value: 4
name: DynamicTestKind_none
- value: 24
name: DynamicTestKind_testing

Control Profiles

OpenFMB control profiles are translated to DNP3 binary and analog output commands. All commands are executed with a Direct Operate function code (0x05).

A command-order list is used to priortize every command referenced in the detailed mappings. The first element in the list has the highest priority, and will be sent first to the outstation.

The tolerance-ms parameter is used to specify the tolerance for schedule parameters. See Scheduling for more details.


Boolean values in control profiles can be mapped to one or more DNP3 commands. A list of commands is specified for when the Boolean value is both true and false.

The possible commands are either Control Relay Output Block (g12v1) or an Analog Output command (g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4).

CROBs can execute any control code specified in IEEE 1815-2012. The following table shows all the possible values:

Control Codes

Analog Output variations specify how the casting will be applied, as specified by IEEE 1815-2012. The following table shows the casting applied:

- command-action-type: g12v1  # {g12v1, g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4}
index: 10
command-id: some-command-id
control-code: LATCH_OFF
count: 1
on-time-ms: 1000
off-time-ms: 2000
- command-action-type: g41v1  # {g12v1, g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4}
index: 10
command-id: some-command-id
value: 24
- command-action-type: g41v2  # {g12v1, g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4}
index: 10
command-id: some-command-id
value: 12
- command-action-type: g41v3  # {g12v1, g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4}
index: 10
command-id: some-command-id
value: 0.12
- command-action-type: g41v4  # {g12v1, g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4}
index: 10
command-id: some-command-id
value: 0.1234

Int32, Int64, and Float

Integer and floating point values can be mapped to Analog Output commands, with optional scaling. A particular variation of Group 41 can be specified for proper casting.

int32-field-type: mapped
- command-id: some-command-id
command-action-type: g41v1 # {g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4}
index: 10
scale: 1.0
int64-field-type: mapped
- command-id: some-command-id
command-action-type: g41v1 # {g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4}
index: 10
scale: 1.0
float-field-type: mapped
- command-id: some-command-id
command-action-type: g41v1 # {g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4}
index: 10
scale: 1.0


Each enumeration variant can be mapped to DNP3 commands in the same manner as Boolean fields.

enum-field-type: mapped
- name: GridConnectModeKind_UNDEFINED
- command-action-type: g12v1 # {g12v1, g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4}
index: 10
command-id: some-command-id
control-code: LATCH_ON
count: 1
on-time-ms: 1000
off-time-ms: 1000
- name: GridConnectModeKind_CSI
- command-action-type: g41v1 # {g12v1, g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4}
index: 10
command-id: some-command-id
value: 25

Schedule Parameters

Each schedule parameter can be mapped to DNP3 Analog Output commands in the same manner as Int32, Int64 and Float fields. Schedules are executed as described in Scheduling.

- scheduleParameter:  # A sequence of schedule parameters w/ enum + value. Each plugin specifies what to do with each enumeration value
- scheduleParameterType: ScheduleParameterKind_none
- command-id: some-command-id
command-action-type: g41v1 # {g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4}
index: 10
scale: 1.0
- scheduleParameterType: ScheduleParameterKind_other
- command-id: some-command-id
command-action-type: g41v2 # {g41v1, g41v2, g41v3, g41v4}
index: 11
scale: 1.0