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Run the HMI

To run the OpenFMB HMI Docker image, we need to pass in two environment variables:

  1. APP_CONF: Path to application configuration file (in our case, it is the app.toml in previous section)

  2. APP_DIR_NAME: Application directory where Docker mounted volume is specified (-v option in docker run command). This directory is where all single-line diagrams that you create later in this tutorial will be stored.

Suppose that you created the app.toml file in /home/joe/oes directory, and you want to mount and point APP_DIR_NAME to it. Run the following command:

> docker run -d -p 80:80 -e APP_CONF=/server/app.toml -e APP_DIR_NAME=/server -v /home/joe/oes:/server oesinc/openfmb.hmi

A few things to note:

  1. The OpenFMB HMI docker container exposes port 80. In this example, the docker run command above maps host port 80 to container port 80 (flag -p 80:80). You can map any available port on your host system to the exposed port 32771. For example, if you want to map port 8080 on your host system to 80, specify -p 8080:80, and the command will be:
> docker run -d -p 8080:80 -e APP_CONF=/server/app.toml -e APP_DIR_NAME=/server -v /home/joe/oes:/server oesinc/openfmb.hmi
  1. The -v or volume option specifies where the local directory is mounted.

  2. The first -e flag is the APP_CONF environment variable in the form of APP_CONF=/name_of_mounted_volume/path/to/the/config_file (in our case, it is APP_CONF=/server/app.toml).

  3. The second -e flag is the APP_DIR_NAME environment variable in the form of APP_DIR_NAME=/name_of_mounted_volume (in our case, it is APP_DIR_NAME=/server).


Our named volume is /server, therefore, "name_of_mounted_volume" is replaced with "server".
You can name it anything you want.

  1. Launch your favorite browser, and navigate to

  2. The default username/pwd is admin/hm1admin.

Congratulations! You have run your first OpenFMB HMI application.