Release Notes
OpenFMB Adapter 1.0
- OpenFMB 2.0 data model
- OpenFMB Adapter: DNP3 and MODBUS
- OpenFMB Adapter Configuration Tool
- OpenFMB Protobuf Exporter
OpenFMB Adapter 2.1
NOTES: The version is bumped to 2.1 to match with the OpenFMB 2.1 data model.
OpenFMB Adapter:
- Supports the latest OpenFMB v2.1 data model, offering:
- Grid Code functions for DER
- Discrete controls for ESS and Solar
- Capability profiles to advertise device nameplate and rating information
- Provides an extension to the OpenFMB Adapter Framework:
- Enhances an existing OpenFMB Adapter Framework by extending its capabilities to support multiple protocols, regardless of the programming language used
- Leverages the existing OpenFMB Adapter Framework's functionalities, such as MQTT, NATS, DNP3, MODBUS, and more
- Promotes interoperability and compatibility across different systems and protocols
- Utilizes the OpenFMB Adapter Extension to incorporate various new protocols:
- OCPP 1.6
- ICCP client and server (IEC60870-6)
- IEC-61850 client and server, both GOOSE and MMS
- OpenADR
- SEP 2.0 (IEEE 2030.5)
- Sample code for writing an extension
- Bugs and enhancements:
- Fixed regex to search for known fields in the historian archiver
- Fixed a bug that failed to handle NaN in DNP3 analog inputs
- Handled grid code curve points
- Allowed optional configuration node for backward compatibility
- Added the ability for the historian database to store data at a configurable interval (ex. Store data every 30 secs)
- MODBUS master: Write multiple registers for float field types
- Schema writer to include file and version information
OpenFMB Adapter Configuration Tool:
- Supports the latest OpenFMB v2.1 data model
- Provides suggestions to migrate configuration to OpenFMB 2.1
- Bugs and enhancements:
- Migration dialog to help migrate from version 2.0 to 2.1
- Fixed scale factor with the wrong decimal places
- Fixed cut-off layout on profile selection control
- Supports the latest OpenFMB v2.1 data model
- Bugs and enhancements:
- Added a visibility property to hide/show based on specific data conditions
- Used windows.location for host information instead of reading from the configuration file
- Removed redundant configuration items
- Multi-arch docker build